A 12 week divine feminine empowerment program for women
who are ready to strip away the wounds that are keeping them small,
so they can soften into who they truly are,
and embody their most authentic, delicious and powerful life

You are highly sensitive, empathic and intuitive and want to live a life led by your intuition and inner knowing.

You know you have a deeper calling in this life and you don’t want to just live the status quo.

You want to make an impact and to live a life that feels truly authentic to who you are rather than who others think you should be.

You know that the old way (the masculine do-do-do) isn’t working and it’s time to try something new.

You feel trapped in the cycle of over-giving and want to learn to lean back more to receive.

 You desire to soften into your feminine energy so you can invite in more love, freedom and pleasure into your life.

You want to deepen your connection to Spirit and your innate gifts.

you know all of this, and yet…

things aren’t exactly shifting the way you’d like them to…



I invite you to place your hands on your body,

and take a nice, deep inhale.



It’s all happening, and you are exactly where you’re meant to be. Right here, love.

I was exactly where you are a few years ago.

I'm Sara!

I’m an intuitive healer, a spiritual teacher and a channel for Mary Magdalene.

I love nature, dancing, singing, dark chocolate, kitty cats and I’m super passionate about feminine empowerment.


Because I come from a lineage of women who were super disempowered and that made me sad.
So I wanted to end that with me.


I also started deeply noticing the way us women are conditioned to be in our masculine energy,
and how that dries us out and keeps us striving for some goal and way of being that will never fulfill us.


On top of that, because of being bullied and the lack of support I received in my family growing up,
I chose to keep staying small throughout my life to stay “safe”.

What did this lead to?

A version of Sara that was very anxious, depressed,
fatigued all the time, afraid to show up as her true self…

And so, I began a path of healing and to reclaim my feminine energy.

How did I do it? Through the process of:


I want to take you on this journey with me now,
to reclaim your feminine energy and the wild woman within.


Together, we will journey to the depths and rebirth into the woman you truly are,
with Mary Magdalene and the energy of the Goddess leading the way.

(Learn more about Magdalene here)

What is a Wild Woman?

She deeply values her freedom

She lives a life of meaning to HER

She is devoted to her path

She is connected to Spirit, to the Earth, the moon, and the elements

She is embodied and prioritizes pleasure

She is not afraid to go deep and to get dirty

She knows her power

She speaks her truth

She loves fiercely

She stands up for what she believes in

She is herself and continues to rise into her gifts

So what does this mean in real life terms?


By saying YES to this program, you will:

Shake off the burden of others’ expectations of you, and shift into a confident woman who clearly knows what her soul wants to do and be and isn’t afraid to share it with the world.

Remove restrictive beliefs around who you’re supposed to be, and shift into the realms of limitless potential where you’ll be singing at the top of your lungs, “I’VE GOT THE POWER TO CREATE MY DREAMS”.

Shed any traces of victimhood and release old collective feminine wounds of disempowerment so you can truly know your power and take the reins of your life.

Create a life that celebrates and honours who you are, and meets your needs on all levels – mind, body and soul.

Take your life to the next levels of depth, self-love, self-expression and authenticity.

Awaken your sacred sexuality and deepen your connection to the temple that is your body.

Learn to let go of control and surrender to life, and allow rather than force things to happen.

Walk away with tools to keep helping you awaken and feel alive along the way!

Connect with your tribe of soul sisters through our supportive sisterhood community so you can feel seen and heard, and never again think that you’re alone on this path.

What's included?

11 weeks of video teachings,
plus 1 week of integration

(Value $6000)

4x monthly LIVE group healing sessions and Q&A on zoom

(Value $888)

Wisdom teachings, activations, healing transmissions, pdf workbooks, journal prompts, embodiment practices and more

(Value $2000)

Access to our online sisterhood community to connect with other women just like you (4 months)

(Value $444)

Total Value: $9332 USD
(Keep scrolling down more to see what you’ll actually pay!)

Content will include

Week 1. Magdalene Initiation in the Temple of the Rose


Week 2. Heal the Mother Wound with Mother Mary


Week 3. Bring Healing to your Female Lineage


Week 4. 
Transmute the Feminine Wound of Persecution


Week 5. Strip away Toxic Layers of Conditioning that are Keeping you from Feeling Free


Week 6. Death & Rebirth Ceremony


Week 7. Integration Week


Week 8. Reconnect with the Wild Woman within


Week 9. Learn to Self-source like the Powerful Creatrix that you Are


Week 10. Own your Body and EXPRESS


Week 11. Learn to fully flow with your Menstrual Cycle in Life and Work


Week 12. Blossom into your Magnetism, Radiance and Sensuality

Darling, do you want to soar?

…then you have to let go of the thing that is holding you down

Price and Payment


Wild Woman Reborn includes:

  • 12 weeks, 11 modules with video teachings, embodiment practices, healing transmissions, guided meditations, pdf workbooks, journal prompts and more.
  • 4x monthly LIVE group healing sessions and Q&A on zoom.
  • 4 months access to online sisterhood community

Total program value

$9332 USD

what you
actually invest

$2222 USD
(save $7110)

Payment plan: $2444 USD
(3 equal monthly payments)

OH, and did I mention there are bonuses when you PAY-IN-FULL???


  • Create Inner Union Activation video transmission with Yeshua and Mary Magdalene (Value $444) 
  • Magdalene Divine Purpose Activation (Value $333)
  • Bonus LIVE group healing session (Value $222)


you are meant to live life to the fullest, in your fullest

Let’s do this, sister!

REGISTration is currently on hold


Here are some answers to commonly asked questions you may have

When does the program start?

The program is currently on hold.

Please email [email protected] if you’re interested in joining and being put on the waitlist.

How long do I have access to the content?

You will have access to the content for 4 months from the day the program launches or the day you register and receive your login.

I have designed it this way because this program is a journey that you are going on and the energy is amplified when you follow it in the order it’s been created and the timing I have specified.

In the future, the may be an option to purchase lifetimes access, but for now, please hold the intention that you will have it for 4 months 🙂

What if I'm not ready to do this work?

Follow your intuition, sister.

I want this to feel exciting for you when you register. Maybe a little scary too, but that just means you’re pushing yourself past your edge that has been probably keeping you a little too safe.

You have access to receive support through our monthly LIVE calls, and from other sisters in our online community.

You also have the option to add on 1:1 healing sessions with me so you can receive support.

You are held.

Do you offer refunds?

There are no refunds or cancellations available for this program.

What are my payment options?

International payments can be made via PayPal.

Canadians can also pay by e-transfer. If you’d like to use this option, please email me at [email protected]


5 + 3 =

want to chat with me before registering?

book a heart-to-heart

Sister, join us on this powerful journey to rise into the woman you know you came here to be.

Know your power and live your truth on a whole new level