Sara Shirley feminine energetics divine feminine energy

I think with the rise of feminism over the last 60 years or so, many (or most) of us have actually forgotten our feminine essence.

With more opportunity available to us and the realization that we CAN do just about anything that men can do if we WANT to, I can’t help but witness this underlying energy beneath it all of striving, pushing and wanting validation from “the man”. The man can be your daddy, your boss, your partner, or any other man whose approval you’re subconsciously seeking.

It’s exhausting.

I, like most western women was living in my toxic masculine energy for much of my life. I was controlling, bossy, would always go after what I wanted, often trying to force things. I made my emotions wrong, tried to fix myself and others, overgave, and more.

If I look back, I started to begin to first drop into my feminine energy when I started my priestess training with my teacher Tiffany in 2018. I connected with Mother Mary for the first time, the Wild Woman archetype, Goddess Isis. Together, we activated my intuitive gifts and priestess abilities.

To be honest, it all terrified me and I can’t even pinpoint why. I remember reading a book called “Warrior Goddess Training” by Heather Ash Amara and feeling so scared and anxious to read it.

The power the feminine holds is real.

That power has been feared by many for a long, long time.

That fear has caused societies to transform from matriarchal to patriarchal, from believing in many Gods to just believing in one (male) God. It has burned witches at the stake, and so much more.

So back to that question, what does it mean to be a woman?

For me, it’s:
🌹softness and strength at the same time,
🌹listening to and trusting my intuition
🌹penetrating the world with my open heart,
🌹fostering my sexual/life force energy and letting it ripple out to the world
🌹the deepest trust and surrender, and then even deeper trust and surrender
🌹being in tune and living cyclically with nature and the moon
🌹leaning back and letting him lead, with me in mind
🌹being open to receive
🌹healing in community and knowing I don’t need to do it all alone

I devote my life’s work to helping women come home to their feminine essence, because well, when you’re living against your true nature, you deep-down know that something is off. Really off.

I help you REMEMBER.

I help you find more ease and flow, more trust and surrender, more inner beauty and magnetism.

This is not an “overnight fix”, if you’re serious about making some big inner shifts, you’re ready to do what it takes, and you’d like to explore working with me, you can apply for a heart-to-heart 🌹🌹🌹

Big, big love and hope I get to serve and support you,
♡ Sara